Friday, December 18, 2009

Solar Powered Suncat Batteries

Our sun, a nuclear fusion source which is already working reliably for more than 5 billion years, produces an extreme amount of energy. Within 6 hours, deserts on Earth receive more solar energy than we use in a whole year globally. Therefore it is strange that we are not already using this free energy source to it’s full potential. It looks like this is going to change now. A group of twenty big German corporations has plans to deliver solar power from Africa to German households in Europe within 10 years. The plan consists of investing 400 billion euros to build gigantic large Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants in North-Africa. With this investment, 15% of the total European electricity can be generated by solar power day and night. It is one of the biggest private green initiatives.

Solar Power

I've loved solar as a green energy source since I was in elementary school. Actually, I'll tell you a little story related to that. When I was in fifth grade, my parents bought me a toy solar car that I quickly assembled. The car was interesting and all, but it was really just some cardboard, a solar panel, and a few other electrical parts. In short, a solar car wasn't very interesting to me. It was the summer and I was feeling very hot. I got my mind to thinking and decided that what a person would want more than a solar car was... a solar fan! By definition, when you are outside and it is hot, the sun is probably shining brightly. I looked around the house and found one of those little handheld fans powered by batteries and simply hooked the solar panel from the toy car up to the batteries and I had a solar fan! I took the fan with me everywhere that summer, and I was proud that I had created something!
Now onto solar... the real issue many people seem to have with it is the cost. It costs about $20,000 to outfit a house with solar panels. This is a daunting price, but obviously the cost depends on the size of your home. The price per watt installed is about $10 to $12. However, while the price appears daunting, many of these solar home additions pay for themselves in a few years. If you are interested in learning more about the price of applying solar to your home in different ways.

Another issue many people struggle with is the look. Having your roof covered in solar panels is not an appealing prospect to some, though I would argue that if you do follow through and add solar panels to your house the good thing is everybody in your neighborhood will know you for the green person you are (assuming you care about what the neighborhood people think about you).

Geothermal Energy

Oregon Scientific STC800, Includes One Year Manufacturer's Warranty The Oregon STC800 solar panel for professional weather stations is an additional/replacement solar cell for WMR200 sensors. This solar panel is perfect for those who wish to place their temperature and humidity sensor in a different location to their wind sensor. The Oregon STC800 can also be used to power the wind sensor on a WMR80 and comes with its own mounting arm which can be attached to a pole via cable ties. STC800 Features:, Solar Panel, Additional/Replacement Solar Cell For WMR200 Sensors, Used to Power the Wind Sensor on a WMR80, Comes w/ its Own Mounting Arm

How Does a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Work?

Lightweight, briefcase size Power Paks are deep-cycle rechargeable BATTERIES and Solar panel chargers in one unit.
Can be recharged three ways:
1) By Solar Panel (included)
2) By vehicle cigarette lighter adapter (included)
3) By AC Adapter (AC-IN optional accessory)
A good power source in case of emergencies. These Power Paks can operate: camp lights, radios, portable TVs, DVR, VCR, laptop computers, fans, test equipment, recorders, camera strobes, and they can trickle charge your 12v vehicle battery directly from the built-in solar panels.
LED charging indicator light Housed in high density plastic case Switchable 12 and 6 volt outputs (PP12000 models) Female cigarette lighter plug for output (just like the plug in your car) Three sizes available

Build Your Own Wind Turbine and Save on Energy Bills

Want to find out how to save the environment and money on your monthly electricity bills? Here’s the answer: build a wind turbine in your back yard. Much of the advertising for home wind turbines suggests that they cost thousands of dollars and take over your entire yard, but you can actually build your own for under $200.
Wind turbines can meet much of your electricity needs and if it produces more electricity than you use, the excess energy can be sold to your energy supplier, so you receive money back on your electrical bills. Sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it? Here are two sites that explain how you can build your own wind turbine:
Mdpub - If you are a hands-on type who likes a challenge and the chance to figure things out on your own, then following his advice is probably the way to go. The man at this website actually built his own wind turbine for $140.62! He goes into great detail explaining how he built it and you can follow along.
Earth4Energy - Here you can buy an in-depth manual that details exactly how you can make your own wind turbines and solar panels. His manual costs about $50.
While both appear to be comprehensive advice guides, the former is a little more my style. If you need more guidance, then the second one is better for you.

Nuclear Fusion!

I have to admit that I'm a sucker for nuclear fusion. I'm also a fan of nuclear fission, though it's less appealing to me. The reasons I love fusion are...
1. Totally green!
2. The reaction is produced using a small quantity of hydrogen (two different isotopes - deuterium and tritium)
3. No chance of meltdown
4. Has the potential to produce massive amounts of energy!
5. It's how stars produce their energy - you can't get more natural than that!
The reason fusion has not yet caught on and why you may never have heard of it is because the reaction is not yet efficient enough to produce a lot of energy. Another itsy bitsy semi-problem is that tritium, like petroleum and coal, is an exhaustible resource. It is produced by the nuclear modification of Lithium-6 by a process known as neutron activation.
Just a quick explanation of some of the above -
Tritium - An isotope of hydrogen with one proton and two neutrons, aka Hydrogen-3
Deuterium - An isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron, aka Hydrogen-2

Fusion in a nutshell: Lasers are aimed at small quantities of deuterium and tritium. The extreme heat and pressure exerted by the lasers simulate conditions found near the centers of stars and the hydrogen atoms fuse, producing a helium-4 atom (2 protons and 2 neutrons) and a spare neutron. This process releases energy.
Hope you enjoyed a crash course in nuclear fusion! Next up: nuclear fission. Get your atoms excited!

Green House Tips

With greenhouse gas emissions and global warming appearing to be a massive issue, what can the individual do to make a difference?
1. Change some of the light in your house with bulbs marked with the energy star. You can find a store near you
2. Better insulate your house. With better insulation comes less energy waste.
3. Use green power. You can buy green electricity (produced from solar or wind machines) or even outfit your home with solar panels.
4. Recycle!
5. When mowing the lawn, use a push mower instead of a gas or electric mower.
6. Tell your friends and family! Following one of these suggestions can make a big difference!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How can I get my house converted to work on solar energy and is it expensive?

I saw an episode in extreme makeover home edition were they built a house for a family and they used solar energy to power the house I like that not just because is good for the envirorment but because I think is better for us too, If we take care of the Earth we live in I think is going to last more.
I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills.

advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy?

First, its all a guess but the sun will continue to shine for about another 2-4 billion years. So for all practical purposes, its eternal.Solar energy depends on sunshine, one disadvantage is cloudy, overcast, rainy, snow etc. days. No sunshine, no real energy. Another difficulty is converting solar energy, solar panels generate direct current (DC) and this has to be converted to AC current to run appliances, etc. in your house. In order to store solar energy, batteries are required, so the DC current from the solar panels can charge the batteries, and then the DC current must be converted to AC.Solar panels are not cheap but the price is coming down. They also don't last forever and can be damaged by hail, etc.The good news is, solar energy is clean, not pollution except for the manufacture of the panels and for the moment, sunshine is still free.
I came accross a new, proven and tested home made wind power system and solar power system which eliminates our electricity bills. It was written by a Renewable energy enthusiasts Michael Harvey the diy called Earth4energy. You can get your copy to save energy and help environment while eliminating your power bills.

Biodiesel Energy

Light your garden shed, boat house or garage with this easy to install, solar charged LED light. There are no electrical wires to install; just secure the solar panel on the side of the structure and let the power of the sun do the rest. Installs on all types of material; wood, plastic or metal. Stays bright up to 2 hours when fully charged. Built-in night light lets you locate the on switch easily. Includes super bright LED lights. Includes Ni-Cd > rechargeable battery.
> Solar powered LED light.
> Includes solar panel and LED light unit.
> Stays bright up to 2 hours on full charge.
> Built-in night light.
Super bright LED lights.
Easy to install.
Ni-Cd rechargeable battery.
Light is 10" long, 6" wide, 2" deep.

Wind Power

Thoughts of wind power usually convey the image of a series of old-fashioned windmills located on the farms in the plains of Kansas or standing fast before the lance of Don Quixote, perhaps in a field of tulips. This is not the reality of wind power in the modern age. Because efficiency of wind turbines increases considerably with the size of the windmill, most wind power generation fields are composed of arrays of very large sets of dozens, or hundreds, of wind driven propellers high up in the air.
One of the problems with large arrays of wind power generators is that they try to capture as much of the air currents as possible. This can cause dangers for the aerial citizens such as birds and bats. The Audubon Society has indicated that it is their opinion that the environmental advantages of the use of wind power outweigh the dangers for birds and that other forms of power generation, such as coal fired plants, are actually much more dangerous to birds. However, it seems that bats are particularly susceptible to the tower arrays. Investigations are still in process as to why bats should be affected so much but one current theory is that the propellers cause fluctuations in the air pressure near where the bats glide – causing problems in adjusting and in navigation. Bats also have a low birth rate so deaths within a group can quickly affect the viability of a population. Most people agree that it is a problem that should be solved but also should not hinder wind power deployment.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What are Solar Water Collector Mounting Systems?

Collector Mounting SystemsAKA: mounts, racks
The three most common mounting systems for solar collectors are the roof mount, ground mount, and awning mount. Roof-mounted collectors are held by brackets, usually parallel to and a few inches above the roof. Ground-mount systems can be as simple as four or more posts in the ground, lengths adjusted to affect optimal tilt. An awning mount attaches the collectors to a vertical wall. Horizontal supports push the bottoms of the collectors out to achieve the desired tilt.
When choosing a mounting system, roof mounts are usually the cheapest option, provided tilt and orientation are within acceptable parameters. If weight is an issue, ground mounts can be a good choice. Wall mounts are another solution that can work well in some situations.
Find the sunniest spot for your collectors. Generally, you want no shading between 9 AM and 3 PM. Facing collectors up to 30 degrees east or west of true south and at your site's latitude plus 15 degrees tilt, generally will still yield results within 15 percent of optimum. Any nominal losses from tilt, orientation, or even shading can usually be overcome by adding more collector area.

What is a Solar Cell?

A solar cell or a " photovoltaic" cell, is a device that converts photons from the sun into electricity. In general, a solar cell that includes both solar and non-solar sources of light (such as photons from incandescent bulbs) is termed a photovoltaic cell. Fundamentally, the device needs to fulfill only two functions: photo generation of charge carriers (electrons and holes) in a light-absorbing material, and separation of the charge carriers to a conductive contact that will transmit the electricity. This conversion is called the photovoltaic effect, and the field of research related to solar cells is known as photovoltaics.
Solar cells have many applications. Historically solar cells have been used in situations where electrical power from the grid is unavailable, such as in remote area power systems, Earth orbiting satellites, consumer systems, e.g. handheld calculators or wrist watches, remote radiotelephones and water pumping applications. Recently solar cells are particularly used in assemblies of solar modules (photovoltaic arrays) connected to the electricity grid through an inverter, often in combination with a net metering arrangement.
Solar cells are regarded as one of the key technologies towards a sustainable energy supply

Trouble Shooting Solar Panel Problems

You bought a solar panel system and after a while you notice that your solar panels are not living up to the standards that your sales representative claimed when they were sold to you, it may not be a faulty panel. There could be a number of issues plaguing them and making your blood pressure sky rocket. Don’t panic or send the panels to the landfill, here are some reasons why your panels are not working correctly.
Position is keyAre your panels facing the right direction toward the sun? Almost all panels need to be adjusted through the year at least 3 times. this is so that they can be in the optimal position for maximum absorption. For completely stationary panels, make sure they are facing south in the northern hemisphere and north in the southern hemisphere. the reason is that sun is never directly straight up from where you standing. unless you are on the equator your panels should always have a tilt in the direction of the sun. Some systems have automatic trackers, they rotate as the sun crosses the sky, these are optimal, because even at sun rise and sun set the panels on a stationary panel setup will not be in direct sunlight. It is best to grab every last drop of sun.
Clean upOne of the major problems people face with solar panels is dirt, a solar panel system is not a set up and forget, dirt or dust will cover the glass making the crystals inside useless. Like the windows in your home, if there is dirt on them, you can’t see out very well, and it progressively can get worse through time. It is necessary to clean off your solar panels by wiping them off, maybe even using Windex if needed, try not to leave streaks because they also will keep the sun from passing through.
Cloudy dayClouds in the sky will bring your solar intake to 30%. Solar panels require focused light, clouds defuse the solar rays. On a cloudy day your electricity will run by the utilities again or if off grid a backup generator system. People who live in places that are normally cloudy should find an alternative energy source because the price of solar will not be justifiable.
ObstructionsShading from a tree, a branch, your hand, any shading, even a small corner or something as big as a leaf will cut your solar intake by 75%. The full panel needs to be in direct light, there is no compromising this issue. Even stand in front of the panel will put a dent in the intake of solar energy for as long as the panel is covered. Clear all trees away from your solar array that can block the sun. The best place to put a solar array is in a clear open area of the yard or on the roof of your home. Hale, rocks, or bullets are common culprits of damage to panels making them un-usable. In the off chance a bullet hits your solar panel, electricity and money saving is not your highest priority. There are no quick fixes to damaged panels; you may need to replace them completely depending on the severity of the damage. Replacing the glass is your best bet at fixing cracked glass on a solar panel, note that you need to make sure there is no moisture between the glass and the crystal because the glass will fog when the panel is heated. If the crystal is cracked or broken, replace the panel.
Could it be wiring?If these have been solved and you still don’t get the energy, check the cable connectors between the panels and batteries or your house. These may not be connected correctly, faulty or loose.
The batteries could also be a problem; they may be damaged or not able to hold a charge. If you do not understand what might be wrong ask a technician or the company who installed them. If there is a problem, check the panels and work your way back. There could be several things wrong with the system if it is hooked up wrong, do not discount operator error.
And finally, after all is said and done, and your panels are the culprit, replace them. Check warranty or call your provider.

What is Solar Energy?

Light (particularly sunlight) can be used to create heat or generate electrical power. This is referred to as solar energy.It is a clean form of energy production, which doesn't pollute the environment as some other forms of energy production do.There are two forms of solar energy. The first is solar thermal conversion, which uses sunlight to create heat and then electrical power. The second is photovoltaic conversion, which uses sheets of special materials to create electricity from the sun. "Photo-" means "light," and "voltaic" means "producing electricity."

What is Solar Thermal Conversion?

Solar thermal conversion systems use reflectors or mirrors to concentrate sunlight to extremely intense levels of heat. (Solar means "of the sun," thermal means "of heat" and conversion means "changing something from one form to another.")
You can understand this better if you consider the example of using a magnifying glass to start a fire. You may have heard of this or even tried it before. You can hold a magnifying glass under the sun, and concentrate the light on a small pile of flammable materials. The magnifying glass will make the sun's heat much stronger, and will light the materials on fire. It has been said that a magnifying glass one meter in diameter, held under the sun, will create a ray hot enough to melt stone.
If you would hold a magnifying glass flat under the sun and put your hand under it, you would need to move your hand away very quickly in order to avoid burning yourself.
Solar thermal conversion systems use mirrors or reflectors to concentrate sunlight onto containers full of liquid. Sometimes water is used. Sometimes other liquids are used, which retain heat better than water.
The liquids are heated up to high temperatures, and this produces steam. The steam is used to turn a turbine. The turning motion of the turbine is used to create electricity.
How does a rotating motion create electricity? When you set up a coiled wire or similar device to rotate between two magnets, it generates an electric current. This is how electric generators work, as well as windmills, nuclear power plants, and other energy plants which use such things as coal, gas, or petroleum.
Windmills use the wind to create the turning motion. Nuclear power or fossil fuels are used to heat water up, thus creating steam to turn the turbines.
Solar heating is another form of solar thermal conversion. In solar heating, an absorber is used to take in sunlight and convert it to heat. The absorber could be something simple, like black paint, or it could be a special ceramic material. A heat absorber is considered to a be good one when it collects at least 95 percent of the sun's radiation.
The absorbers are then used to heat a fluid, which is then circulated to warm up buildings or to create hot-water supplies.

What is Photovoltaic Conversion?

Photo means "light." It comes from the Greek word “phos,” which means "light."“Voltaic” means, "producing electric current." The word comes from the name of Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist who was a pioneer in the field of electricity during the 1700's. (His name is also where the word "volt" comes from.)
Photovoltaic means, "creating electrical energy when exposed to light."A “cell” is a device that produces electricity. An example of an electrical cell is a flashlight battery.Photovoltaic cells produce electricity when they are exposed to light. They usually consist of panels. The panels contain two layers of different materials.
When light hits these two layers, one of the layers becomes positively charged, and the other becomes negatively charged.
This works similarly to a regular flashlight battery, which has a positive end and a negative end. When a wire connects the two ends, they produce an electric current.When the two layers of material in a solar cell are exposed to light, they create an electric current.
The AMOUNT of electricity generated by a solar power cell depends on several factors.
-How big is the solar power device, and how much surface is exposed to the sun?
-How strong is the sun? (This depends on time of day, weather, latitude, etc.)
-How long is the solar power device exposed?
-How much impediment is there to the light? (Clouds, mist, dust, dirt, etc.)
In other words, a solar power cell generates electricity faster when the sun (or light) is brighter. A device with larger solar panels will produce more electricity than one with smaller panels. Exposing the cell for a longer period of time will create more electricity than exposing it for a shorter period of time. A panel near the equator will be more effective than one in an arctic region. A solar panel in misty or dusty conditions does not create as much electricity as it would in full, unobstructed sun.
Some solar cells produce only enough current to power small electronic devices, but can be "daisy-chained" (connected together) in order to create more electricity for other items.
Solar cells which produce enough electricity to run larger equipment (such as laptops) may be larger, more expensive, or heavier than the others.But there are many varieties available.
Individuals and companies are consistently striving to create lighter and more efficient portable solar cells.

Solar Energy and the Future

An advantage to solar power is that it can reduce expenses. It can also be portable. When one is backpacking in the wilderness or traveling far from power grids, solar power can provide a means of powering electronic equipment.
Another advantage is, of course, the lack of pollution created by solar energy production. In fact, if all of our electrical energy were produced by such means, we might not be worrying about global warming and the other destructive effects of pollution on our environment.
These threats to our environment also pose a threat to mankind. Solar power could be developed to a point where it, along with other forms of renewable energy, would replace harmful means of electricity production.
It isn't necessarily impossible to have a clean and safe Earth. We just have to work on it.

The Benefits of Renewable Energy Credits

The United States has several companies that are currently developing new renewable energy projects that include the study of photovoltaic or solar power. These projects are financed from renewable energy credits. The definition of a renewable energy credit is a tradable unit that is a representative of a commodity. The commodity represented is a form of environmental attributes of a unit of renewable energy or a generated unit of electricity. There are many benefits to collecting renewable energy credits.
One of the major benefits of earning renewable energy credits is that this is a tradable commodity. Renewable energy credits can be traded in order to reduce projects from fossil fuel sources. The REC’s or renewable energy credits can be used in order to host an environmental friendly event. An event that was created from these credits is the “Carbon Neutral” conference.
The renewable energy credits are used by participants to pay for their travel expenses. Renewable energy credits are used with mandated programs such as renewable energy portfolio standards. What this entails is that a percentage from energy sales must be derived from a natural, renewable resource. An example of a practice of the renewable energy portfolio is understood when discussing energy practices in the state of Maine. In Maine thirty percent of the amount of electricity generated must be from a renewable source such as solar energy.
The United States government along with governments around the world have been finding out that renewable resources are essential to ensuring a future energy resource. Our energy resources become more and more depleted each day. Fossil fuels are quickly disappearing. It is very important to start using and rewarding the use of renewable sources of energy such as a photovoltaic system.
A photovoltaic system can generate enough energy for the whole world. This type of system is a valuable resource for our energy demands and the energy demands of our children. We must choose energy sources, like photovoltaic systems, that are not only natural but renewable. These are the energy sources of the future.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


130 WATT SOLAR PANEL MODULE FROM THE WORLD'S TRUSTED SOURCE FOR SOLAR. Using breakthrough technology, made possible by nearly 50 years of proprietary research and development, Sharp’s ND-130UJF solar panel module incorporates an advanced surface texturing process to increase light absorption and improve efficiency. Common applications include cabins, solar power stations, pumps, beacons, and lighting equipment.25 year limited warranty Download full specs from the following

Agriculture and horticulture

Agriculture seeks to optimize the capture of solar energy in order to optimize the productivity of plants. Techniques such as timed planting cycles, tailored row orientation, staggered heights between rows and the mixing of plant varieties can improve crop yields. While sunlight is generally considered a plentiful resource, the exceptions highlight the importance of solar energy to agriculture. During the short growing seasons of the Little Ice Age, French and English farmers employed fruit walls to maximize the collection of solar energy. These walls acted as thermal masses and accelerated ripening by keeping plants warm. Early fruit walls were built perpendicular to the ground and facing south, but over time, sloping walls were developed to make better use of sunlight. In 1699, Nicolas Fatio de Duillier even suggested using a tracking mechanism which could pivot to follow the Sun. Applications of solar energy in agriculture aside from growing crops include pumping water, drying crops, brooding chicks and drying chicken manure. More recently the technology has been embraced by vinters, who use the energy generated by solar panels to power grape presses.
Greenhouses convert solar light to heat, enabling year-round production and the growth (in enclosed environments) of specialty crops and other plants not naturally suited to the local climate. Primitive greenhouses were first used during Roman times to produce cucumbers year-round for the Roman emperor Tiberius.The first modern greenhouses were built in Europe in the 16th century to keep exotic plants brought back from explorations abroad. Greenhouses remain an important part of horticulture today, and plastic transparent materials have also been used to similar effect in polytunnels and row covers.

Monday, November 16, 2009


where heat from the Sun is used to heat water in glass panels on your roof.
This means you don't need to use so much gas or electricity to heat your water at home.
Water is pumped through pipes in the panel. The pipes are painted black, so they get hotter when the Sun shines on them. The water is pumped in at the bottom so that convection helps the flow of hot water out of the top.
This helps out your central heating system, and cuts your fuel bills. However, with the basic type of panel shown in the diagram you must drain the water out to stop the panels freezing in the winter. Some manufacturers have systems that do this automatically.
Solar water heating is easily worthwhile in places like California and Australia, where you get lots of sunshine. Mind you, as technology improves it's becoming worthwhile in the UK

Friday, November 13, 2009

Applications of solar technology

Average insolation showing land area (small black dots) required to replace the world primary energy supply with solar electricity. 18 TW is 568 Exajoule (EJ) per year. Insolation for most people is from 150 to 300 W/m² or 3.5 to 7.0 kWh/m²/day.
Solar energy refers primarily to the use of solar radiation for practical ends. However, all renewable energies, other than geothermal and tidal, derive their energy from the sun.
Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive or active depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute sunlight. Active solar techniques use photovoltaic panels, pumps, and fans to convert sunlight into useful outputs. Passive solar techniques include selecting materials with favorable thermal properties, designing spaces that naturally circulate air, and referencing the position of a building to the Sun. Active solar technologies increase the supply of energy and are considered supply side technologies, while passive solar technologies reduce the need for alternate resources and are generally considered demand side technologies.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Solar electricity from as little as $1,987.50 plus $2.72* a day
Origin now makes it more affordable than ever to go solar with our pay by instalment plan. From as little at $82.81* a month after an upfront payment of $1987.50 you can enjoy a fully installed 1kW solar electricity system in your home, and there’s no interest payable#.
We'll organise everything for you, from your Government rebate to connection to the grid. But hurry, the $8,000 government rebate for solar electricity ends 30th June^.

In this day and age of money and environmental worries, you now have the opportunity to help yourself with both. You can now have the opportunity to help reduce or eliminate your need to purchase commercially generate power from your home or business and move to producing your own green energy. This system, which includes free updates for life, will help guide you in developing your own power system. The system contains a lot of information help speed you on your way

Solar electricity from as little as $1,987.50 plus $2.72* a day
Origin now makes it more affordable than ever to go solar with our pay by instalment plan. From as little at $82.81* a month after an upfront payment of $1987.50 you can enjoy a fully installed 1kW solar electricity system in your home, and there’s no interest payable#.
We'll organise everything for you, from your Government rebate to connection to the grid. But hurry, the $8,000 government rebate for solar electricity ends 30th June^.

Make Power At Home is another wonderful site where you can receive a lot of information regarding both solar and wind power generation for your home that you can do yourself. Learn how you can increase the value of your home by building and installing power generation systems on your property. With more than 93% of electricity generated in the US using non-renewable sources, isn't it about time that you and your family took a handle on money that you could be saving for another purpose and helping the environment at the same time.

legend claims that Archimedes used polished shields to concentrate sunlight on the invading Roman fleet and repel them from Syracuse.[7] Auguste Mouchout used a parabolic trough to produce steam for the first solar steam engine in 1866.[8]
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. The concentrated heat is then used as a heat source for a conventional power plant. A wide range of concentrating technologies exists; the most developed are the parabolic trough, the concentrating linear fresnel reflector, the Stirling dish and the solar power tower. Various techniques are used to track the Sun and focus light. In all of these systems a working fluid is heated by the concentrated sunlight, and is then used for power generation or energy storage.[9]

This article is about generation of electricity using solar energy. For other uses of solar energy, see Solar energy.
Solar power is by far the Earth's most available energy source, easily capable of providing many times the total current energy demand. The largest solar power plants, like the 354 MW SEGS, are concentrating solar thermal plants, but recently multi-megawatt photovoltaic plants have been built. Completed in 2008, the 46 MW Moura photovoltaic power station in Portugal and the 40 MW Waldpolenz Solar Park in Germany are characteristic of the trend toward larger photovoltaic power stations. Much larger ones are proposed, such as the 550 MW Topaz Solar Farm, and the 600 MW Rancho Cielo Solar Farm. Covering 4% of the world's desert area with photovoltaics could supply all of the world's electricity. The Gobi Desert alone could supply almost all of the world's total energy demand

Upgrade your existing boiler and qualify for home energy savings scheme grUpgrade your existing boiler and qualify for home energy savings scheme grant.

Roof 25% heat loss
Walls 33% heat loss
Windows 20% heat loss
Floor 15% heat loss
Draughts 15% heat loss


Here's a more advanced type of solar water heating panel. The suppliers claim that in the UK it can supply 90% of a typical home's hot water needs from April to November.
This "Thermomax" panel is made of a set of glass tubes. Each contains a metal plate with a blue-ish coating to help it absorb solar energy from IR to UV, so that even in diffuse sunlight you get a decent output. The air has been removed from the glass tubes to reduce heat loss, rather like a thermos flask.
Up the back of the metal plate is a "heat pipe", which looks like a copper rod but contains a liquid that transfers heat very quickly to the top of the glass tube. A water pipe runs across the top of the whole thing and picks up the heat from the tubes.