Friday, December 18, 2009

Solar Power

I've loved solar as a green energy source since I was in elementary school. Actually, I'll tell you a little story related to that. When I was in fifth grade, my parents bought me a toy solar car that I quickly assembled. The car was interesting and all, but it was really just some cardboard, a solar panel, and a few other electrical parts. In short, a solar car wasn't very interesting to me. It was the summer and I was feeling very hot. I got my mind to thinking and decided that what a person would want more than a solar car was... a solar fan! By definition, when you are outside and it is hot, the sun is probably shining brightly. I looked around the house and found one of those little handheld fans powered by batteries and simply hooked the solar panel from the toy car up to the batteries and I had a solar fan! I took the fan with me everywhere that summer, and I was proud that I had created something!
Now onto solar... the real issue many people seem to have with it is the cost. It costs about $20,000 to outfit a house with solar panels. This is a daunting price, but obviously the cost depends on the size of your home. The price per watt installed is about $10 to $12. However, while the price appears daunting, many of these solar home additions pay for themselves in a few years. If you are interested in learning more about the price of applying solar to your home in different ways.

Another issue many people struggle with is the look. Having your roof covered in solar panels is not an appealing prospect to some, though I would argue that if you do follow through and add solar panels to your house the good thing is everybody in your neighborhood will know you for the green person you are (assuming you care about what the neighborhood people think about you).

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