Friday, December 18, 2009

Build Your Own Wind Turbine and Save on Energy Bills

Want to find out how to save the environment and money on your monthly electricity bills? Here’s the answer: build a wind turbine in your back yard. Much of the advertising for home wind turbines suggests that they cost thousands of dollars and take over your entire yard, but you can actually build your own for under $200.
Wind turbines can meet much of your electricity needs and if it produces more electricity than you use, the excess energy can be sold to your energy supplier, so you receive money back on your electrical bills. Sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it? Here are two sites that explain how you can build your own wind turbine:
Mdpub - If you are a hands-on type who likes a challenge and the chance to figure things out on your own, then following his advice is probably the way to go. The man at this website actually built his own wind turbine for $140.62! He goes into great detail explaining how he built it and you can follow along.
Earth4Energy - Here you can buy an in-depth manual that details exactly how you can make your own wind turbines and solar panels. His manual costs about $50.
While both appear to be comprehensive advice guides, the former is a little more my style. If you need more guidance, then the second one is better for you.