Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What are Solar Water Collector Mounting Systems?

Collector Mounting SystemsAKA: mounts, racks
The three most common mounting systems for solar collectors are the roof mount, ground mount, and awning mount. Roof-mounted collectors are held by brackets, usually parallel to and a few inches above the roof. Ground-mount systems can be as simple as four or more posts in the ground, lengths adjusted to affect optimal tilt. An awning mount attaches the collectors to a vertical wall. Horizontal supports push the bottoms of the collectors out to achieve the desired tilt.
When choosing a mounting system, roof mounts are usually the cheapest option, provided tilt and orientation are within acceptable parameters. If weight is an issue, ground mounts can be a good choice. Wall mounts are another solution that can work well in some situations.
Find the sunniest spot for your collectors. Generally, you want no shading between 9 AM and 3 PM. Facing collectors up to 30 degrees east or west of true south and at your site's latitude plus 15 degrees tilt, generally will still yield results within 15 percent of optimum. Any nominal losses from tilt, orientation, or even shading can usually be overcome by adding more collector area.

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