Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Benefits of Renewable Energy Credits

The United States has several companies that are currently developing new renewable energy projects that include the study of photovoltaic or solar power. These projects are financed from renewable energy credits. The definition of a renewable energy credit is a tradable unit that is a representative of a commodity. The commodity represented is a form of environmental attributes of a unit of renewable energy or a generated unit of electricity. There are many benefits to collecting renewable energy credits.
One of the major benefits of earning renewable energy credits is that this is a tradable commodity. Renewable energy credits can be traded in order to reduce projects from fossil fuel sources. The REC’s or renewable energy credits can be used in order to host an environmental friendly event. An event that was created from these credits is the “Carbon Neutral” conference.
The renewable energy credits are used by participants to pay for their travel expenses. Renewable energy credits are used with mandated programs such as renewable energy portfolio standards. What this entails is that a percentage from energy sales must be derived from a natural, renewable resource. An example of a practice of the renewable energy portfolio is understood when discussing energy practices in the state of Maine. In Maine thirty percent of the amount of electricity generated must be from a renewable source such as solar energy.
The United States government along with governments around the world have been finding out that renewable resources are essential to ensuring a future energy resource. Our energy resources become more and more depleted each day. Fossil fuels are quickly disappearing. It is very important to start using and rewarding the use of renewable sources of energy such as a photovoltaic system.
A photovoltaic system can generate enough energy for the whole world. This type of system is a valuable resource for our energy demands and the energy demands of our children. We must choose energy sources, like photovoltaic systems, that are not only natural but renewable. These are the energy sources of the future.

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