Friday, December 18, 2009

Solar Powered Suncat Batteries

Our sun, a nuclear fusion source which is already working reliably for more than 5 billion years, produces an extreme amount of energy. Within 6 hours, deserts on Earth receive more solar energy than we use in a whole year globally. Therefore it is strange that we are not already using this free energy source to it’s full potential. It looks like this is going to change now. A group of twenty big German corporations has plans to deliver solar power from Africa to German households in Europe within 10 years. The plan consists of investing 400 billion euros to build gigantic large Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants in North-Africa. With this investment, 15% of the total European electricity can be generated by solar power day and night. It is one of the biggest private green initiatives.

1 comment:

  1. Solar power sunkat batteries is great article, but still Some
    solar batteries are 12-volt DC due to the many low voltage RV and boating lighting and appliances available, and do not have a
    utility line connection.
